Wednesday, July 14, 2010

you're an eyesore.

Fuck it.
That's what I say.

Blah blach fucking blah.

& who the hell do you think you are? With your stupid smile, it's nothing but a crack in your face. Thanks for being selfish and cold hearted. Can you picture your heart or does your eyes not want to see the decay? You can but you won't. You're a coward. A coward with too many masks and not enough string.

What makes you breathe? What gives you reason to wake up if you dream of me when your eyes are wide shut? You pull me in just to push me away. You're a  selfless fake. A fake. Your heart is broken and you stole mine to heal yours. You stole me, all I had to give. You made me feel alive when you were slowing letting me die.

I hate how you laugh when you want attention. I hate how you crack jokes to cover up all your hopes. I hate how you look at me with your warm eyes. I hate how you smell. I hate how your skin feels. I hate how your arms feel wrapped around mine. I hate how you blare your music and drive with the windows down. I hate how much I miss you. I hate that you aren't around. Most of all, I hate how you don't care about me.

You've become my eyesore. You've become that locked chest inside my chest. You're nothing more than what used to be and never will be. You are you and you are there. I am me and I am a real friend. To the day you don't come around, til the day you realize how much you meant to someone just by being there, til the day you come back around, I will most definitely be a face easily found.